Donate to charities... Or start your own.

Start your own charities or donate to causes you believe in. Your money will be used the way you want it to be spent.

Auditorium lets you donate to a charity without worrying about how your money is spent. We are partnering with organisations to ensure that your money is only spent on verified merchants.
You can event start to raise money for your own cause in 3 easy steps. Auditorium is the first fully decentralised platform powered by Ethereum , Maker Dao and 3Box so all your information is stored securely

Donate to a cause you believe in

Smart Contracts

The funds to donate to a campaign on Adiutorium are locked in Ethereum Smart Contracts. This ensures that your money will be spent the way you want it


All app data is stored on ipfs using 3Box profiles, spaces and plugins


Spend and donate money in DAI, thus avoiding market fluctuations in cryptocurrencies . The money you donate or raise will not fall in value

Campaign Ledger

Easily track how a charity is spending the money. Make Bound Donations that can only be spent on organisations verified by Adiutorium

About the team

Baby Got Hack

Pranav singhal New Delhi, India

I am a web-developer working in the ethereum space for past two years. I graduated with a masters in Physics from University of delhi in 2019. I specialise in ReactJs.

Arvind Kalra New Delhi, India

I am a web-developer working in the ethereum space for over 2 years now. I specialise in backend development in NodeJs and writing Ethereum Smart Contracts and Web3Js for Dapps

Harjot Singh New Delhi, India

I am a final Year student currently learning web-development. I recently started hacking in the ethereum space and love it. I hope to build more such cool apps like Adiutorium